We treat our dogs like family, and sometimes, that means sharing almost everything with them. But while you can share your bed with your dog, you might want to think twice before sharing your own food with him.

After all, not everything that is safe for human consumption is also safe for your dog. You should always be on guard to be sure that your dog is not eating anything that could potentially poison him. With this in mind, here are 9 dangerous foods that could be found inside your home that you should never let your dog eat.

Did you know that dogs can have also food allergies to special food? If you want to improve the health of your dog why not ordering the Dog Allergy Test

1. Dairy

This might be surprising to many of us because cheese is such a popular treat used for training dogs. But cheese, and other forms of dairy, should be given sparingly to a dog. While it is not exactly toxic, it can be dangerous as consuming dairy can cause your dog to have constipation or diarrhoea. If made a regular part of his diet, the consumption of dairy can cause chronic gastrointestinal issues as well as obesity. You should know that dogs as humans, can be allergic to milk. In this list you can see the most commons allergens tested in a dog allergy test.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Look for commercially available non-dairy alternatives to cow’s milk and cheese like hard yak cheese.

2. Grapes

Grapes are yummy to eat, but keep them to yourself and don’t share any with your dog. According to studies, grapes are one of the most dangerous foods you can give to your dog, which, in serious cases, can lead to kidney failure and even death.

There are some cases showing some dogs that are not affected by grapes, but in this case, it is better to be safe than sorry. It is best to just completely avoid giving your dogs grapes.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Give your dogs blueberries instead of grapes.

3. Popcorn

As long as it is air-popped, unsalted, and unbuttered, it may be okay to give your dog popcorn in small amounts. Otherwise, it can prove to be seriously dangerous to your pet. Buttered and salted popcorn contains a high level of fat and sodium, which can result in dehydration. If made part of your dog’s regular diet, consuming popcorn can lead to obesity.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Commercially available or homemade low-sodium and low-calorie dog treats like fruit and vegetable chews

4. Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are a huge part of our cooking, but for your dog, it needs to be avoided. Both onions and garlic belong to the Allium plant family, which is toxic to dogs. And before you reach for that garlic powder or onion powder, it is important to know that these are toxic to dogs in all forms, whether it is fresh or powdered.

What happens when your dog ingests onion or garlic? It can damage his red blood cells and decrease oxygen flow, which could lead to anemia and organ damage.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Commercially available dog-sage brewer’s yeast

5. Coffee and Tea

It is common knowledge that chocolate is toxic for dogs due to its theobromine content. But aside from theobromine, caffeine is also very dangerous for canines. According to the ASPCA, caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant, can cause your dog to suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea.

Plus, caffeine consumption can also lead to increased thirst, increased heart rate, and restlessness in dogs.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Carob

6. Avocado

Avocado can be safe for dogs as long as you avoid its skin and leaves. Avocado skin and leaves contain persin, which is toxic for animals and may cause your dog to suffer from symptoms like respiratory distress, congestion, and fluid accumulation around the heart. In some cases, it can even lead to death.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: For recipes requiring avocado puree, swap with pumpkin puree

7. Green Tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes are actually safe for your dog to consume, but keep him away from the tomato leaf and stem. Aside from the green parts of the tomato plant, you should also keep your dog from eating green or unripe tomatoes. These contain solanine, a toxin that can cause your dog to suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms, lethargy, weakness, and confusion. So if you have a dog, avoid planting a tomato plant in the backyard.

Aside from green tomatoes, eating green potatoes can also be dangerous to your dog.

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Sweet potatoes

8. Macadamia Nuts

Eating macadamia nuts is extremely dangerous for dogs and can lead to symptoms like vomiting, ataxia or the loss of control of body movements, weakness, and depression. The good news is that most dogs recover from the illness without treatment. Still, it is one risk that you would not want to take.

If you have a cat, it is also not recommended keeping this food out of reach of your kitten, they can cause vomiting amongs other symptoms. Some cat breed have tendency to suffer some disease, find out which breeds are in this page about Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease

Dog-Friendly Alternative: Peanuts

9. Xylitol

It is highly likely that sugar-free gum ranks low on the list of foods that you would willingly give to your dog. However, gum might look appealing to your pet, which is why you should always keep it in a safe place.

The problem with sugar-free gum is its xylitol content, which is deadly to dogs. Consumption of xylitol can cause your dog to suffer from hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Aside from gum, xylitol can also be found in other sugar-free products, so make sure you double-check the labels of the food your dog might eat.

It is okay to share your food with your dog once in a while, but as a responsible pet owner, you should always be aware of the foods that are harmful to canines. In case your dog accidentally ingests food that is toxic to him, take him to the veterinarian right away.

Knowing the breed of your pet is also recommended understanding what heritage genetics your four leg friend has. You can order here the DNA my Dog Breed test